Joint cross-sector training for Luxembourg
The CRTI-B has set up a working group in collaboration with the OAI, Neobuild, the Chambre des Métiers, the IFSB and LIST, with the aim of establishing a BIM-related training system for the Luxembourg construction sector.
A comprehensive, coordinated training cycle
The course and the various training modules have been created in conjunction with the working group’s partners, as well as a number of IT resellers, to offer a complete training cycle, from the first basics to the training of a “BIM Coordinator” and the tools for a “BIM Manager”. Each player can thus benefit from a course dedicated to the responsibilities of his or her role, with each organization able to offer specific in-depth modules according to the trades represented. Flexibility and modularity are the basis of these developments.
What does this BIM training cycle offer?
- It will support you in your digital transition and enable you to benefit from this work methodology
- It covers all the needs of the sector, adapting training courses to the different professions.
- It offers practical training with real-life situations.
- The BIM certificate is recognized on the job market, and is awarded following an examination at the end of the module.
- It offers a training cycle at a competitive price, making it accessible to all, small and large companies alike.

Course diagram