Objective and deliverables
The aim of the APS phase is to propose a response to the program, first in the form of a sketch, then by setting out a number of elements that will define the broad outlines of the project. The expected deliverables are as follows:
- Site plan 1:500 or smaller in pdf format
- Various 3D views in usable format (pdf, jpeg, png…)
- Technical drawings
- Summary sketches of plans, sections and façades (scale 1:200) + single-line network diagrams, pdf format
- Subdivision plan in pdf format
- Cost estimates (ideally summarized in a spreadsheet)
Processes to be implemented
A/ Based on the topographical surveys, the structural engineer creates a model of the project site. At the very least, the following information should be included: plot dimensions, topography, orientation, buildings in the immediate vicinity that have an impact on the project (shade, nuisance, etc.). If necessary, it may be useful to add any other elements identified as constraining the site and to be taken into account in the design (roads and networks). However, technical diagrams superimposed on the model may suffice.
B/ The architect creates the building model in order to obtain a volumetry and distribution of spaces and openings (entrances, windows, etc.) representative of the proposed building. He creates walls, slabs, doors, windows, passageways, etc. in a generic way, with no details of their implementation: only their positioning and size matter. He identifies the spaces thus created according to a defined nomenclature. His proposal takes into account the program (the client’s objectives), urban planning constraints (access, views, height of levels, footprint, total height) and his assessment of the impact on the environment. For presentation purposes, the addition of
graphic elements such as textures and furniture elements to certain locations will be used to produce different views (from representative to photo-realistic, depending on the level of detail provided). Another option is to export these views without adding any information to the model, and apply a graphic treatment afterwards. Note: In the case of a project based on an existing building, it is necessary to retrieve or
model, so that the new project can be structured on the basis of the existing model. The level of detail required for existing elements depends on the studies to be carried out. In all cases, it is important to identify each existing element as such on the models, so as to distinguish them from what is new.
C/ On the basis of the architectural model and the client’s constraints (in particular, permissible loads according to operating conditions), the structural engineer defines the project’s structural concept by creating his own model. He identifies the load-bearing elements and foundations and sizes them accordingly.
REMARKS: It’s important that the architect’s model is fixed at this point, to avoid the risk of rendering the engineer’s work obsolete, since it would be incompatible with an architectural proposal that has changed in the meantime.
D/ The architect retrieves the information supplied by the engineer, then updates the architectural model: he adds “load-bearing” information on walls that are load-bearing, and adjusts their dimensions. This additional information must have a visual impact on the 2D representation of the walls on the plans (e.g., distinguishing load-bearing walls by a specific color). In the case of a column-beam load-bearing system, it adds the latter to its model. It also integrates foundation elements.
E/ The architect adds “compartmentalization” information on walls and doors, based on joint work with engineers. He groups spaces belonging to the same compartments into “zones”. This added information must also have a visual impact on the 2D representation, by means of specific colors.
F/ Technical data can also be added to the structures for initial simulations, such as the U thermal transmittance of facade walls or the shading coefficient of a window. The architect retains control of the model for the addition of this information, even if the engineers provide the information.
G/ The technical engineer’s recommendations for the main networks and technical ducts can be made simply by transmitting information concerning dimensions, or in the form of 2D diagrams created on the basis of views of the 3D model of the building. It is also possible to work in 3D to anticipate the next phase, but this is not a fundamental step, as the deliverables expected at this stage are single-line diagrams. The technical engineer also gives an opinion on the project’s energy balance and defines the general criteria to be met.
H/ The architect adjusts his model (technical rooms, false ceilings, glazed surfaces, etc.) according to the recommendations of the technical engineer.
I/ In its current state, the model can be used to export a first coherent statement of the surfaces and volumes of the designed building. (It is already possible to export the beginnings of a roombook of designed spaces, and to compare the information with the roombook of programmed spaces).
J/ On the basis of this information, and using an appropriate calculation method (price/surface ratios), each member of the project management team can calculate an estimate of the construction and maintenance costs for the works in question.
Responsibility for “BIM Management”
The information manager checks the information delivered and its conformity with the BEP. In this way, he guarantees to the client that the information requested has been delivered. The BIM Manager updates the BEP for any changes decided by consensus and involving modification of the BEP (actors, EIR, etc.). He leads BIM coordination meetings. He evaluates the process, provides feedback and validates deliverables at each milestone. In this way, he ensures that the information to be delivered complies with the Owner’s expectations. The BIM Manager’s specific tasks include model checking and transmitting comments via BCF.